Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Why do doctors check Corona reflex in the eye ,what are the disorders associated with it?

Several disorders and environmental factors can influence the corneal blink reflex by altering the structure of the trigeminal nerve within the cornea. Glaucoma, for example, is a disorder that induces increased pressure in the eye. As this disorder progresses, trigeminal nerves in the cornea bend. These bends correlate with decreased corneal blink reflex sensitivity'

Diabetes is another disorder that impacts corneal health, resulting in peripheral neuropathy in many patients. The unmyelinated C fibers and small A-gamma nerve fibers are most commonly affected. Research has shown that as the disease progresses, there are decreases in the density of nerve plexuses, decreased nerve branching, and increases in bending of the nerve fibers.results in a loss of pain and temperature sensation for the eye which leads to decreases in the late phase of the corneal reflex bilaterally

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