Thursday, August 27, 2020

What is Cochlear Implant , Who requires it?

 If you have severe hearing loss, you may benefit from a cochlear implant. This is a device that’s surgically implanted in your cochlea, the spiral-shaped bone in your inner ear.

A cochlear implant converts sounds into electrical impulses, which are interpreted by the brain. It aims to replace the cochlea’s function.

A cochlear implant isn’t suitable for everyone. Babies, children, and adults may be good candidates if they have:

  • severe hearing loss in both ears
  • not found benefits from hearing aids
  • no medical conditions that could increase surgery risks

As an adult, you might also be an ideal candidate if you:

  • have hearing loss that disrupts spoken communication
  • lost all or most of your hearing later in life
  • depend on lip reading, even with hearing aids
  • are willing to commit to rehabilitation
  • understand what cochlear implants can and can’t do

An audiologist and ear, nose, and throat (ENT) surgeon can determine whether the device is right for you.

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