Monday, August 10, 2020

How Obesity Affects your Health

 Obesity has its deleterious effects on all systems such as Respiratory disease, Stroke, Cardiovascular problems, Gall stone disease, Gout, Osteoarthritis, Hormonal abnormalities, Diabetes & Cancer. Diabetes and obesity are mutually related. India is diabetes capital of the world. 40.9 million people are diabetic in India, this is expected to rise to 69.9 million by 2025.

Glucose maintenance in the body is a complex process. Whenever food enters the system glucose needs to be absorbed into cells by insulin. Secretion of insulin is helped by incretins which are the substances produced by hind gut that stimulate the Beta cells to produce insulin. Secretion of insulin inhibited by anti incretins secreted by fore gut. Poor sugar control is the major contribute for the development of Diabetes which is due to excessive calorie intake, poor secretion of insulin, insulin resistance. All these are strongly associated with

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