Wednesday, August 12, 2020

What should be your content structure in on page SEO!

 Content structure is probably the first thing people think of when they hear the phrase “on-page SEO.” On the surface, it refers to the way content appears when a reader lands on your website, but content structure goes deeper than that.

As you’re writing a new landing page or blog post, it’s important to use headings to differentiate distinct sections. This is done with HTML elements called heading tags, which provide the hierarchical structure of your website. 

  • H1 tags are used for the title of your page.
  • H2 tags are used for the primary subheads on the page.
  • H3 tags are nested within H2 tags to break up the text further.
Whenever readers or crawler bots land on your website, this structure will help them get a sense of what they’ll learn by reading deeper. Because crawlers assign top priority to your H1 tags, followed up H2, then H3, etc., it’s important to include your target keyword in the H1 and relevant H2 headings. That will help the article rank higher by signaling relevancy to the search query that keyword targets.Using headings is the best way to provide a snapshot of how valuable your website is to people searching for a specific keyword. It breaks up the text, increasing readability, and it provides much-needed structure to what would otherwise be a long blog of text. 

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