Thursday, August 13, 2020

Some Tips to Relieve pain under Shoulder blade.

 Pain under your shoulder blade can be a sharp or burning pain near the spine, or more of a deep aching sensation that spreads across the shoulder or upper back. When shoulder blade pain persists, it can affect quality of life and limit arm and back movements. 

1. Rest your upper back from activity

If your pain worsens when you do certain movements or physical activities, such as household chores or exercise, rest for a day or two. Pausing from physical activity may help reduce your pain and prevent overuse. Don’t cease from activity for too long or altogether, though.

2. Apply ice and/or heat

Cold therapy, such as ice wrapped in cloth, can be applied to your back for about 10 to 20 minutes at a time, with at least a 2-hour break in between sessions. Heat therapy, such as a heating pad, is best used for 15 or 20 minutes per treatment, with no more than one treatment every 2 hours.

3. Massage it out

The pain under your shoulder blade may feel like a tight knot due to a muscle spasm. A massage can help loosen your muscles and get more blood to the affected area. Seek out a willing friend or family member—or a professional—to massage the painful spot, which can release tension and bring about relief.

If the above treatments don’t effectively reduce the pain under your shoulder blade, visit a physiatrist, chiropractor, or physical therapist. These health care providers will evaluate you for the source of the pain and can individually tailor plans that will help strengthen and stretch your upper back, neck, and core muscles.

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