Friday, July 10, 2020

When can you go ahead with your normal life after Hernia Surgery?

Hernia surgery has become a common a days.Depending on it's severity it can take a few days to  a few week. If surgery was done with the help of laparoscopy then the resting period can be even less.

Usually you recovery speed and risk of reopening stitches determine how soon you can go about doing physical activities. Major deciding factors are:

  • Age
  • Fitness
  • Complication during surgery
  • Place of surgery
  • Technique of Surgery
  • your compliance with daily regimen
  • your occupation

The strenuous the occupation  more rest you will need. Therefore consult with your surgeon and doctor before you go about your usual daily life.

Apollo Hyderabad is known for it's dedicated hernia clinic. It has best Hernia doctors and Hernia surgeons practicing less intrusive surgery.

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