Monday, July 6, 2020

What is that burning sensation in my stomach, Should I see doctor?

Peptic ulcers are wounds or open injuries that create within covering of stomach and the upper segment of small digestive tract.

The most widely recognized peptic ulcer indication is stomach ache. The pain can regularly be decreased by eating some food that will act as buffer or by taking prescription medication.
In most cases it is negligible and don’t affect day today life but in some cases it can be severe for example, :

             Vomiting or retching blood
             Dark blood in stools, or falter (because of blood present)
             Trouble in breathing (Anemic inclination)
             Feeling weak or feeble
             Unexplained weight reduction
             Loss of Hunger

Regardless on the off chance that you are showing above side effects, at that point talk with your doctor and take prescription to ease it. Some of the time they are indication of bigger problem in body. Apollo Hospital Hyderabad gives best consultation and speedy identification and cure due to in house state of the art labrotory.

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