Thursday, July 9, 2020

Do stents last forever? What options do I have?

It all depends on your definition of life period of stem.A normal stent is made of metal so, As for structural form retention ,a normal stent can last forever. However there are a few stent types which dissolves after a certain time period ,usually 2–3 years. But to my knowledge they have not been introduced to market yet and extensive tests are being done to identify the risk associated with these.
In normal stents there is 10–15% chance that it might fail. They do have a surgery success percentage of 95%. On failure it will be removed and a new stent can be put there. So it is better if the surgery done by best heart surgeons.The problem with stent failure is there is a high chance of blood clotting on its surface. Which damages the tissue. If it happens it needs to be removed.
All cardio treatments are different, and optimal procedure for the condition should be chosen. Stent treatment does not guarantee further Heart attacks. Hence it is best if you consult with experienced cardio specialist and surgery should be done by well trained heart surgeons. Apollo Hyderabad has some of the best heart doctors and surgeons in nation.

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