Thursday, July 30, 2020

Pointers to rank your website in Google.

Optimize your site to be mobile-friendly

Research says that 74% of people say that if a site works well on a mobile they are more likely to return to it in the future. Google also updated its algorithm in 2016; mobile-first indexing became a SEO ranking factor. They did so after noticing that most searches are performed using mobile apps. It’s not the 1980s, after all, when users of mobile phones were limited. Today, billions of people across the world now have smart apps. Therefore, you need to optimize your site to be mobile-friendly to get higher

Focus on Metadata

Metadata is a key part of SEO and includes Meta descriptions and title tags. You’ve got to make sure that every content you post contains it. Meta explanations need to be original, and each will explain what a particular page is about. Unless you repeat them, the platform can hardly be noticed. On the other hand, title tags need to be captivating, so, they will include a keyword to let the people know what the website is all about. They also need to be unique to each page.

Link building

Link building is a modern 

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