Thursday, July 23, 2020

What does foamy stool signifies.

Some foods do cause foamy stool. If it’s temporary then it’s nothing to be worried about. It will heal itself when you are sufficiently hydrated and rested. However if it is recurring then it might be one of the following reasons:

  • Infection:

It might be due to bacterial, parasite or viral infection. It happens if you drink contaminated food or water. Generally it carries other symptoms such as gas, fatigue, cramping, nausea and unusual weight loss.
  • Pancreatitis:

It is due to person cannot digest fat effectively. It causes significant pain generally in upper abdominal area. Patients with gall bladder stone, chronic alcohol abuse or pancreatic cancer show these symptoms.It comes with other symptom such as fever , vomiting , nausea, swollen abdomen, rapid heart rate etc. In case of pancreatic problem do consult with oncology doctors.

  • Surgery:

If you have undergone any abdominal surgery resulting in shortening of gastric tract then it might cause the above problem till it heals. If the problem persists doctors do recommend some supplement.
  • IBS:

People with irritatable bowel syndrome also show these symptoms. It comes with bloating, cramps, diarrhea.

If the problem persists it can lead to malnutrition and other severe problems. Consult with your doctor at Apollo Hospitals Hyderabad.

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