Thursday, July 23, 2020

Two best Plugins to keep track of traffic to your website.

  • Google XML Sitemaps
A sitemap is generated automatically using the Google XML Sitemaps plugin. You would never have to do something else until you build a sitemap and render the settings comfortable. The plugin does it all for you, and updates your maps after every new content you publish. It is easy to index your blog content for search engines and makes finding your website easier for people. This also makes exchanging the material with other search engines more easy
  • Google Analytics by Monster Insights
Google Monster Insights Analytics has the potential to check your WordPress dashboard analytics results. It includes around 11 million files. Main advantage of the Monster Insights Google Analytics plugin is that you can access your Analytics data on your dashboard. You don’t have to jump back and forth between Google Analytics and your website. You can download the file free of charge and need not use the plugin to access the data. It can be used to monitor visitors to the websites, top keywords and similar information.
Head to Nikulsan for best content information.

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