Friday, July 31, 2020

Why do you need blogs for your website?

Blogs are most commonly recognized as a way of expressing views about a certain topic. But why companies are using blogs? The motive behind writing blogs is a lot more than just sharing views.

Today blogging is one of the most effective ways to build brand awareness, while providing relevant and useful content to your target audience. Blogging is an inexpensive way for small businesses to drive traffic to their site, enhance inbound marketing efforts and attract more perspective customers.

Now how can a blog drive traffic to your website? The answer is SEO.

Difference between SEO & SEM

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a means of increasing the visibility of the website through non-paid forms of advertising. It is used to increase traffic to a website by improving a website’s rank in a search engine’s search results.

And Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is again a means of increasing the visibility of the website through paid forms of advertising. Ad Sense, Social Networking, Pay-per-Clicks are examples of SEMs. In a broad view, we can say that SEO is a part of SEM. SEM includes SEO as well as other search marketing tactics.

Define your Social Media campaign. Some tips & Trics

  • Take the time to research which of the revenue streams you want to focus on and use them to build up your ad groups.
  • Use the full range of Google’s capabilities to target the right customers for your product.
  • Use the right keywords.
  • Specify brand names, relevant search locations, and different match types.
  • Write clear, concise, engaging, and appealing ads.
  • Test various bidding tactics, ad copy and keyword targeting to ensure that the campaign continues to advance.

  • Moreover, SEM offers endless benefits to suit your business like: –

    Increasing site impression and visibility –

    • Providing a daily, content updates at your site via Blogs & Reports, thus giving Search Engine crawler some relevant content related to your business.
    • Creating site identity and producing positive results.
    • It is Efficient for target consumers via mobile marketing
    • Increasing ROI.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Why are podcasts so popular?

There are several explanations, but some are worth remembering. One reason is that the format is uniquely suited to fit into our busy lives. Podcast audio content allows listeners to engage themselves in topics without having to set aside time to read or watch a video.

In 2019 over 100 million people listen to a podcast every week. There are over 700,000 active podcasts and 29 million podcast episodes available online. This means a lot of people are listening. So why do people choose these podcasts to other platforms such as show material, video content or text content? Since listening to someone is convenient, rather than reading or observing.

And podcast can be a new and modern way to get an edge over your competitors.

<a href="" title="Visit to discover Indian blogs"> <img src="" width="80" height="15" border="0" alt="Discover latest Indian Blogs" /></a>

<a href="" title="Visit to discover Indian blogs"> <img src="" width="80" height="15" border="0" alt="Visit to discover Indian blogs" /></a>

Pointers to rank your website in Google.

Optimize your site to be mobile-friendly

Research says that 74% of people say that if a site works well on a mobile they are more likely to return to it in the future. Google also updated its algorithm in 2016; mobile-first indexing became a SEO ranking factor. They did so after noticing that most searches are performed using mobile apps. It’s not the 1980s, after all, when users of mobile phones were limited. Today, billions of people across the world now have smart apps. Therefore, you need to optimize your site to be mobile-friendly to get higher

Focus on Metadata

Metadata is a key part of SEO and includes Meta descriptions and title tags. You’ve got to make sure that every content you post contains it. Meta explanations need to be original, and each will explain what a particular page is about. Unless you repeat them, the platform can hardly be noticed. On the other hand, title tags need to be captivating, so, they will include a keyword to let the people know what the website is all about. They also need to be unique to each page.

Link building

Link building is a modern 

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Stats that prove the importance of local SEO

  • Searching for “near me” has risen in recent years more than 500%

Searches for “near me” in the past two years have increased by more than 500 percent. In your search engine, the location of your business for the user is important. This suggests that you have to change your local SEO approach so that you can connect your company with consumers nearby.

  • Within a day after local inquiries, 50 % of customers visit the shop

In a day after a local search 50 percent of users visit a store. Those that hunt locally are easier to purchasing. Such customers will find their company first with a regional SEO strategy.

  • 76% of people who search on smartphones visit a business within a day

 In recent years, mobile devices have become increasingly popular. Users search for nearby businesses utilizing such devices. You’ll alienate a large proportion of your mobile audience if you only adapt for people searching on computers and voice search devices.

  • 28% of local inquiries led to a purchase

Users conducting local searches have a strong buy intention. Acquisition results in 28, percent of local searches. You can miss future conversions if you do not have a local plan in place.

Monday, July 27, 2020

How to increase Backlinks to improve your page rank in search engine.

Search engines were quite basic in the early days of the Internet, based solely on matching keywords. The website’s owners realized that they were able to take advantage of this weakness by using “keys” to create websites that contain massive lists of keywords, plastered with advertising banners. Such websites operated primarily for ad revenue production. The more users are rated on a SERP, the better for your service, when Twitter, Bing or a search engine produce the first search results in answer to quest.

For a number of reasons, backlinks are important. Search engines such as Google use the consistency and number of sites linking to your website to assess the location on their lists with information from the search engines (SERPs). Backlinks can also be used to increase your website visibility and to increase your online visibility in search results pages for your search engine.

How to cope with over active bladder naturally.

For OAB (Over active Bladder) treatment, health care providers may first ask a patient to make lifestyle changes. These changes may also be called behavioral therapy. This could mean you eat different foods, change drinking habits, and pre-plan bathroom visits to feel better.
Some people need to do more, such as:
  1. Limit food and drinks that bother the bladder. There are certain foods and drinks known to irritate the bladder. You can start by avoiding diuretics - these drinks include caffeine and alcohol which encourage your body to make more urine. You can also try taking several foods out of your diet, and then add them back one at a time. This will show you which foods make your symptoms worse, so you can avoid them. You can add fiber to your diet to improve digestion.
    Some foods and drinks that may affect your bladder:
    • Coffee/caffeine
    • Tea
    • Alcohol
    • Soda and other fizzy drinks
    • Some citrus fruits
    • Tomato-based foods
    • Chocolate (not white chocolate)
    • Some spicy foods

  2. Keep a bladder diary. Writing down when you make trips to the bathroom for a few days can help you understand your body better. This diary may show you things that make symptoms worse.
  3. Double voiding. This is when you empty your bladder twice. This may be helpful for people who have trouble fully emptying their bladder. After you go to the bathroom, you wait a few seconds and then try again.
  4. Delayed voiding. This is when you practice waiting before you go to the bathroom, even when you have to go. At first, you wait just a few minutes. Gradually, you may be able to wait two to three hours at a time.
  5. Timed urination. This means you follow a daily bathroom schedule. Instead of going when you feel the urge, you go at set times during the day. You and your health care provider will create a reasonable schedule
  6. Exercises to relax your bladder muscle.
    • Kegel exercises: tightening and holding your pelvic muscles tight, to strengthen the pelvic floor.
    • Quick flicks are when you quickly squeeze and relax your pelvic floor muscles over and over again. So, when you feel the urge to go, a number of quick flicks may help control that “gotta go” feeling. It helps to be still, relax and focus on just the exercise.
    • Biofeedback may also help you learn about your bladder. Biofeedback uses computer graphs and sounds to monitor muscle movement. It can help teach you how your pelvic muscles move and how strong they are.
Always consult Urology & Nephrology doctors before you decide on any regimen.

Shunt Therapy Benefits & Risks

Shunt Therapy allows the brain’s enlarged ventricles to return to a more normal size in an effort to relieve the symptoms of hydrocephalus.


Provide an easy way for healthcare team to get cerebrospinal fluid samples 
Regulate the amount, flow direction, and pressure of cerebrospinal fluid 

Shunt obstruction- Headache, Nausea, Drowsiness,Decreased mental functions 
Infection -unusual redness or swelling of the wounds or along the length of the shunt.
Over drainage- Nausea ,Vertical headache, vomiting, drowsiness, decreased performance.

For best treatment periodical checkups are necessary by best Neuro doctors available.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Two best Plugins to keep track of traffic to your website.

  • Google XML Sitemaps
A sitemap is generated automatically using the Google XML Sitemaps plugin. You would never have to do something else until you build a sitemap and render the settings comfortable. The plugin does it all for you, and updates your maps after every new content you publish. It is easy to index your blog content for search engines and makes finding your website easier for people. This also makes exchanging the material with other search engines more easy
  • Google Analytics by Monster Insights
Google Monster Insights Analytics has the potential to check your WordPress dashboard analytics results. It includes around 11 million files. Main advantage of the Monster Insights Google Analytics plugin is that you can access your Analytics data on your dashboard. You don’t have to jump back and forth between Google Analytics and your website. You can download the file free of charge and need not use the plugin to access the data. It can be used to monitor visitors to the websites, top keywords and similar information.
Head to Nikulsan for best content information.

Why SEO is important for your website?

In the search engine results pages, most search engine consumers (more than 60%) are more inclined to click on one of the top five recommendations. You need to place the website at one of the highest locations to take advantage of it and attract traffic to your website or consumers to your online shop.
SEO will place you at the forefront of the market. When two websites advertise the same product, the website designed by the search engine would most definitely get more users to generate more profits.
SEO is important for a large Website to run smoothly. Web pages with more than one author will explicitly and indirectly profit from the SEO. A primary advantage is an improvement in the usage of search engines and an indirect gain is to follow a standard system (checklists) before posting material on the website.
Users have confidence in search engines, which enhance their confidence and have a presence in the top positions for keywords the user is seeking.

What does Parkinson's tremor look like? Is there any cure?

Parkinson’s Tremors differ from ordinary tremor shaking in ways that it start when muscle are in resting position. As example spasm in your leg might start when you are sitting however it goes away ahen you stand up or start walking.

They are rhythmic  and not random spasms or tics. They are asymmetric  means it can start with one leg not both but it might spread to other parts.

Some medications do help but rarely fully effective for tremors. However it is found that with DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) with the help of neurology treatment has helped almost 90% of cases.

What does foamy stool signifies.

Some foods do cause foamy stool. If it’s temporary then it’s nothing to be worried about. It will heal itself when you are sufficiently hydrated and rested. However if it is recurring then it might be one of the following reasons:

  • Infection:

It might be due to bacterial, parasite or viral infection. It happens if you drink contaminated food or water. Generally it carries other symptoms such as gas, fatigue, cramping, nausea and unusual weight loss.
  • Pancreatitis:

It is due to person cannot digest fat effectively. It causes significant pain generally in upper abdominal area. Patients with gall bladder stone, chronic alcohol abuse or pancreatic cancer show these symptoms.It comes with other symptom such as fever , vomiting , nausea, swollen abdomen, rapid heart rate etc. In case of pancreatic problem do consult with oncology doctors.

  • Surgery:

If you have undergone any abdominal surgery resulting in shortening of gastric tract then it might cause the above problem till it heals. If the problem persists doctors do recommend some supplement.
  • IBS:

People with irritatable bowel syndrome also show these symptoms. It comes with bloating, cramps, diarrhea.

If the problem persists it can lead to malnutrition and other severe problems. Consult with your doctor at Apollo Hospitals Hyderabad.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Shoulder Resurfacing Surgery.

Shoulder resurfacing is an alternative to a total shoulder replacement for patients who are young and have active lifestyles.
Rather than cutting and replacing the two bones (humerus and scapula) in the joint, the damaged top of the arm bone (the humeral head) is replaced with a hemispheric metallic head.
This gives a new surface to the ball of the joint while allowing much of the natural bone to remain intact. The resurfacing prosthesis is affixed to the bone after the diseased or injured portion is removed.

Shoulder resurfacing is generally thought of as an alternative to total shoulder replacement. Only skilled physicians can determine if this procedure is appropriate for a patient. If your surgeon recommends shoulder resurfacing to be the best option for you, there are several benefits to having shoulder resurfacing:
  • Restoration of normal anatomy
  • Less-traumatic surgery
  • No risk of fat embolus from surgery trauma
  • Resurfacing can be done even if the bone is deformed
  • No risk of fracture at the tip of the prosthesis
  • Quicker recovery with less pain
  • Easy revision surgery if needed
Apollo Hospital Orthopedic department has skilled surgeons with years of experience in delicate surgeries. Contact apollo hyderabad for any queries.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Best plugins to Use for SEO

  • Google XML Sitemaps
A sitemap is generated automatically using the Google XML Sitemaps plugin. You would never have to do something else until you build a sitemap and render the settings comfortable. The plugin does it all for you, and updates your maps after every new content you publish. It is easy to index your blog content for search engines and makes finding your website easier for people. This also makes exchanging the material with other search engines more easy.

  • Google Analytics by Monster Insights
Google Monster Insights Analytics has the potential to check your WordPress dashboard analytics results. It includes around 11 million files. Main advantage of the Monster Insights Google Analytics plugin is that you can access your Analytics data on your dashboard. You don’t have to jump back and forth between Google Analytics and your website. You can download the file free of charge and need not use the plugin to access the data. It can be used to monitor visitors to the websites, top keywords and similar information.
You can refer to Nikulsan SEO firm better results.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Things you should be aware before a Kidney Transplant.

PRA or board receptive immunizer is counter acting agent include in blood. It might fluctuate from 0% to 99%. The higher the worth it turns out to be progressively hard for discovering match for your kidney. It is imprudent to transplant kidney on the off chance that you have higher PRA. It might prompt dismissal of organ.

Individuals create Higher PRA from pregnancy,blood transfusion likewise from prior transplant. It is checked whether patient experiences herpes and comparable illness then he/she may have more PRA. In spite of the fact that for some case premise plasmapheresis treatment may help,mostly utilized if the organ benefactor is alive.

It's ideal to counsel your specialist and specialist before experiencing medical procedure. Apollo Hyderabad has best kidney specialists in nation. Other than great noninflammatory eating regimen and great oral cleanliness has indicated brings about diminishing PRA.

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a procedure in which fat from hard to get rid of places are removed to achieve ideal body shape. Usually it is done to remove fats from tummy , hips, thighs, back of your arms etc.
It does not get rid of cellulose in body.

It is not a substitute for fat loss. your body weight should be within 30% range of your body mass.
You should have a good immune system . You should not have any heart disease or valve related disorder. And one of the main requirements are not to smoke.

It has it's inherent risks. So do consult your physician and discuss your aims and alternatives to it before you consent. Apollo Hyderabad has a great cosmetic department with world class plastic surgery department.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Can autopsy be done simultaneously when recovering organs from donor body?

It can be bit a controversial topic. Usually organ is recovered from from a patient in a brain death situation, meaning body might be still functional but patients brain has no activity and officially declared dead and can be removed from life support with the permission of family members.

But in case of questionable circumstances leading to patient death it is proffered that autopsy should be done. It is feared that in case of early organ recovery might tamper with evidence on body. So in case of Homicide and suicides it requires permission from ME , law enforcement also family to recover organ.

India faces a huge short fall for dona-table organ. It is encouraged to list yourself for organ donation in case of any situation. It might save somebody's life. Apollo Hyderabad has a huge success record for organ recovery and safe transplant to patients.   

What is the best treatment to dislocated shoulder to gain full range of motion?

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy utilizes platelets and development factors from the patient's own blood to invigorate the creation of new tissues and ligaments .  Undifferentiated cells can develop into a tissue in the human body, and they work to develop new cells, while fixing any kind of injury or aggravation. Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy assists with fixing various kinds of  tissues, while helping patients to lessen the pain and recover full capacity of their shoulders.

At the point when the top of the arm bone is constrained out of the attachment or incompletely out of the attachment, the ligaments, tendons, and muscles around the shoulder can become washout or torn, causing the shoulder joint to get temperamental. Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy can assist with fixing the harm caused from separation, permitting the shoulder joint to recapture by and large capacity and development.

Apollo Hospital Orthopedics department is equipped with latest equipment and experienced doctors to tackle any unease felt by you. It also offers physical rehabilitation.

When can I return to normal lifestyle after surgery?

Relying on what sort of medical procedure you have experienced. Typically it is performed by Keyhole surgery with the assistance of laparoscopy. On the off chance that, that is the situation, at that point recuperation time is lesser.

Prompt after medical procedure patient may be prescribed to remain at clinic for 48 hours till he/she can be gradually removed from sedative and can begin semisolid eating routine. It is restricted to exercise or lift for the length of join present. Normally patient can come back to work following fourteen days.

Following 4 to 5 weeks you can continue your typical daily lifestyle. Still precautionary measure must be taken. In the event that there is inward injury, at that point may take 3 to a half year. So it's ideal to control your eating regimen and make way of life changes in order to not repeat the hernia.

Apollo Hyderabad is furnished with best specialists and favor least obtrusive technique to treat your concern.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

How does life looks like with Liver transplant?

Liver is probably the greatest organ in Human body. On the off chance that specialist is thinking about transplant, at that point it is likely a final retreat when every single past technique have fizzled.

Liver transplant is done as an obtrusive medical procedure so you will have enormous cut and scarring. Recuperation requires some serious energy. You will be placed in ventilator for 10 to 14 days relying on your wellbeing. You will be gradually expelled from sedation relying on torment.

A patient can be released between 2 to 3 weeks anyway recuperating may take 4 months as long as a year. Visit check ups and prescriptions are essential. Unique consideration is taken on the off chance that it appears the liver is dismissing the beneficiary. You may need to live with anti-microbials for life in most dire outcome imaginable.

Be that as it may, if directions are followed and in a decent wellbeing specialist's hand you can continue your past typical life. Apollo Hyderabad has best specialists and has incredible reputation regarding fruitful organ transplant cases.

What is ECG. As a female patient should I be worried?

Electrocardiogram or ECG is an effortless technique to check your heart condition, electrolyte irregularity in blood,if the blood valves are working appropriately or not. Typically specialist will leave 10 cathodes with cement around chest zone legs and arm to get legitimate estimation.

On the off chance that you are female , no compelling reason to stress you can wear baggy shirt to the room, however for legitimate estimation you may need to evacuate your bra. You can generally demand a female specialist or attendant to support you and be available during test in the event that you are feel awkward.

It is prudent to get appropriate skin contact and no extra layer in the middle of .So staying over a shirt is a no.

Apollo Hospitals considers your interests and has the approach for giving female staff to female patients. So no compelling reason to worry.Apollo Hyderabad has best cardio authority specialists in nation.

What is Coccyx? Should I be worried if I feel discomfort in the region?

Coccyx or tail bone agony is an exceptionally uncommon event. Normally occurs because of sitting on hard surface for a really long time . It might be because of pregnancy related diseases. In rarest cases it might be expected to tailbone disease.

You can go to your orthopedic specialist for any inconvenience. In typical cases active recuperation is best in extreme cases you may require drug or medical procedure.

Apollo Hyderabad has best orthopedic division with most experience specialists and best orthopedic specialists in India

Monday, July 13, 2020

Do India need to rethink it's strategy regarding number of health workers?

India has one specialist for every 1457 residents. Which is an honestly a horrendous number. Agreeing WHO norms it ought to be under 1000. It influences individual consideration of one specialist to various patients. Same could be said for Paramedics and Nurses. Prepared Nurses with all the aptitudes of a specialist are an irregularity.

Requirement for progressively clinical staffs has never been more evident than current Covid-19 Situation. Other than remoteness of the zone from state capital and different urban areas likewise influences their accessibility. India in next 20 years will confront a maturing populace with huge number of health emergency. Thus it's the best and ideal opportunity to expand the quantities of Health laborers now.

Apollo Hospitals as India's largest emergency clinic chain has in excess of 10000 medical clinic beds for patients at some random time with objective of expanding it to 20000 in next five years with relating number of health staffs.

Friday, July 10, 2020

When can you go ahead with your normal life after Hernia Surgery?

Hernia surgery has become a common a days.Depending on it's severity it can take a few days to  a few week. If surgery was done with the help of laparoscopy then the resting period can be even less.

Usually you recovery speed and risk of reopening stitches determine how soon you can go about doing physical activities. Major deciding factors are:

  • Age
  • Fitness
  • Complication during surgery
  • Place of surgery
  • Technique of Surgery
  • your compliance with daily regimen
  • your occupation

The strenuous the occupation  more rest you will need. Therefore consult with your surgeon and doctor before you go about your usual daily life.

Apollo Hyderabad is known for it's dedicated hernia clinic. It has best Hernia doctors and Hernia surgeons practicing less intrusive surgery.

What causes Piles, When to seek out doctor?

Piles used to be a old man's disease. But due to modern lifestyle it has become a lifestyle induced diseases which may occur with person of various ages. The basic reason behind piles is stress on your posterior mussel, tissue and blood vessels.

        Few reasons are:

Other reasons may be age and genetics. Since stress on your bowel is the main reason, food plays a big part if it may happens to you. So eating enough plant fiber is essential.

If you feel pain during relieving, feeling bowel movement even after emptying bowel. It's time to see doctor. You might feel nausea and anemic due to constant blood loss due to Piles.

Do consult with your doctor. Depending on the stage of piles it may be healed with medication or may need surgery.Apollo Hyderabad has best Piles treatment clinic.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

When it's time to see doctor about heart? Arrhythmia

Arrhythmia is unpredictable pulses because of different reasons, for example existing heart diseases, electrolyte imbalances in blood or coronary diseases. The side effects are typically unsteadiness, windedness, palpitations, pain in chest, exhaustion and so forth. Once in a while none of these side effects happen and simply after test it very well may be resolved.

This can be because of natural hereditary condition in kids with valve dysfunctions. It happens to grown-ups with valve diseases.Some times it occurs because of different conditions like endocarditis or rheumatic fever.

The most predominant cases occur because of hypertension (High BP) or heart infections like cardiomyopathy, coronary corridor ailment, aneurysms, cardiovascular failures and so on.

It's ideal to talk with doctors before any genuine problems emerge. Apollo Hyderabad has the absolute best experienced heart experts and cardio surgery specialists.

Do stents last forever? What options do I have?

It all depends on your definition of life period of stem.A normal stent is made of metal so, As for structural form retention ,a normal stent can last forever. However there are a few stent types which dissolves after a certain time period ,usually 2–3 years. But to my knowledge they have not been introduced to market yet and extensive tests are being done to identify the risk associated with these.
In normal stents there is 10–15% chance that it might fail. They do have a surgery success percentage of 95%. On failure it will be removed and a new stent can be put there. So it is better if the surgery done by best heart surgeons.The problem with stent failure is there is a high chance of blood clotting on its surface. Which damages the tissue. If it happens it needs to be removed.
All cardio treatments are different, and optimal procedure for the condition should be chosen. Stent treatment does not guarantee further Heart attacks. Hence it is best if you consult with experienced cardio specialist and surgery should be done by well trained heart surgeons. Apollo Hyderabad has some of the best heart doctors and surgeons in nation.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

How Appendicitis feels like?

An infected appendix normally are of two sorts Acute and Chronic. Intense a ruptured appendix happens quick with devastating agony and inner bleeding.

Be that as it may, for Chronic Appendicitis which I had a somewhat various indications. It as a rule accompanies queasiness, retching feeling(vomiting). At that point comes dull stomach torment in your mid-region ,explicitly towards your right. It likewise fells like food poisoning type torment and if taken drug ,normally disappears following a day .yet it will occur following a while or days relying on your movement and life style.

So it's smarter to check with your PCP and have all the tests done as such as to figure out what is the genuine reason for pain.For me I was admitted into Apollo clinic Hyderabad. During which I had my tests done and had a minor medical procedure to expel the an infected appendix.

Monday, July 6, 2020

What is that burning sensation in my stomach, Should I see doctor?

Peptic ulcers are wounds or open injuries that create within covering of stomach and the upper segment of small digestive tract.

The most widely recognized peptic ulcer indication is stomach ache. The pain can regularly be decreased by eating some food that will act as buffer or by taking prescription medication.
In most cases it is negligible and don’t affect day today life but in some cases it can be severe for example, :

             Vomiting or retching blood
             Dark blood in stools, or falter (because of blood present)
             Trouble in breathing (Anemic inclination)
             Feeling weak or feeble
             Unexplained weight reduction
             Loss of Hunger

Regardless on the off chance that you are showing above side effects, at that point talk with your doctor and take prescription to ease it. Some of the time they are indication of bigger problem in body. Apollo Hospital Hyderabad gives best consultation and speedy identification and cure due to in house state of the art labrotory.

What is Jaundice ? What causes it ?

Jaundice is a health condition in which the skin, whites of the eyes and mucous membranes turn yellow. This yellow color is because of bilirubin, a yellow-orange bile pigment.

What is responsible for jaundice?
Most common case of Jaundice happen during production of bilirubin, jaundice can be caused by:
  • Viruses, including Hepatitis A, chronic Hepatitis B and C, and Epstein-Barr virus infection
  • Excess consumption of Alcohol.
  • Autoimmune disorders.(very rare)
  • Genetic metabolic defects.
  • Some Medicines and anabolic steroids.

After bilirubin is produced, it may be caused by blockage of the bile ducts from:
  • Pancreatic tumor.
  • Gallstones or Inflammation of the gallbladder.
  • Gallbladder cancer.
Department of Gastroenterlogy and Hepatology  deals with usual cases of Jaundice. Apollo Hyderabad has one of the most modern department of gastroenterology and Hepatology