Sunday, September 13, 2020

Treatments for Peritoneal Carcinomatosis


Since peritoneal carcinomatosis is usually an advanced form of invasive cancer that has spread from another tumor, it can be hard to treat. Most peritoneal carcinomatosis tumors don’t shrink very much, or at all, in response to chemotherapy. Because of that, many doctors focus on palliative care to manage symptoms, ease pain, and improve your quality of life. There are doctors who specialize in palliative care, which is for anyone with a serious illness. Hospice care is an option if end-of-life concerns start to become a need.

Depending on your particular case, other treatment options may also be available.

  • Cytoreductive surgery. A surgeon removes any tumors on the peritoneum and, in some cases, nearby abdominal organs.
  • Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy. Often used right after cytoreductive surgery, this method bathes the inside of your abdomen, where your peritoneum is, with heated chemotherapy drugs to kill any remaining cancer cells.
  • A peritonectomy is surgery to remove your peritoneum.

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